Journal Articles
Ljubicic, G., Mearns, R., Okpakok, S., & Robertson, S. (2022). Nunami iliharniq (Learning from the land): Reflecting on relational accountability in land-based learning and cross-cultural research in Uqšuqtuuq (Gjoa Haven, Nunavut). Arctic Science, 8(1), 252-291.
Robertson, S. (2021). Practising an anti-colonial citizenship education through a blended learning course on Aboriginal Law. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice - Recueil annuel de Windsor d'accès à la justice, 37(2), 377-401.
Robertson, S., Okpakok, S., & Ljubicic, G. (2020). Territorializing piquhiit in Uqsuqtuuq (Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, Canada): Negotiating homeland through an Inuit normative system. Territory, Politics, Governance.
Robertson, S., & Ljubicic, G. (2019). Nunamii’luni quvianaqtuq (It is a happy moment to be on the land): Feelings, freedom and the spatial political ontology of well-being in Gjoa Haven and Tikiranajuk, Nunavut. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(3), 542-560.
Ljubicic, G., Okpakok, S., Robertson, S., & Mearns, R. (2018). Uqsuqtuurmiut inuita tuktumi qaujimanignit (Inuit knowledge of caribou from Gjoa Haven, Nunavut): Collaborative research contributions to co-management efforts. Polar Record, 54(3), 213-233.
Ljubicic, G., Okpakok, S., Robertson, S., & Mearns, R. (2018). Inuit approaches to naming and distinguishing caribou: Considering language, place, and homeland toward improved co-management. Arctic, 71(3), 309-333.
Robertson, S. (2017). “Thinking of the land in that way”: Indigenous sovereignty and the spatial politics of attentiveness at Skwelkwek’welt. Social and Cultural Geography, 18(2), 178-200.
Robertson, S. (2015). Natives making space: The Softwood Lumber dispute and the legal geographies of Indigenous property rights. Geoforum, 61, 138-147.
Robertson, S. (2014). Extinction is the dream of modern powers: Bearing witness to the return to life of the Sinixt peoples? Antipode, 46(3), 773-794.
Robertson, S. (2013). Imageability and form in the Grande Bibliothèque du Québec: The Baroque as a more-than-representational technique toward the paradoxical particularity of experience in space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31(6), 1091-1108.
Robertson, S. (2012). Exception to excess: Tactical use of the law by outgroups in bias crime legislation. Law & Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar Association, 37(2), 456-474.
Robertson, S. (2005). Re-imagining economic alterity: A feminist critique of the juridical expansion of bio-property in the Monsanto decision at the Supreme Court of Canada. University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal, 2(2), 227-253.
Robertson, S. (2005). Spaces of exception in Canadian hate crimes legislation: Accounting for the effects of sexuality-based aggravation in R. v. Cran. Criminal Law Quarterly, 50(4), 482-507.
Robertson, S. (2004). No Lego, yes logo: Kirkbi AG and Lego Canada Inc. v. Ritvik Holdings Inc. at the Federal Court of Appeal. Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, 3(3), 141-147.
Robertson, S. (2021). Practising an anti-colonial citizenship education through a blended learning course on Aboriginal Law. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice - Recueil annuel de Windsor d'accès à la justice, 37(2), 377-401.
Robertson, S., Okpakok, S., & Ljubicic, G. (2020). Territorializing piquhiit in Uqsuqtuuq (Gjoa Haven, Nunavut, Canada): Negotiating homeland through an Inuit normative system. Territory, Politics, Governance.
Robertson, S., & Ljubicic, G. (2019). Nunamii’luni quvianaqtuq (It is a happy moment to be on the land): Feelings, freedom and the spatial political ontology of well-being in Gjoa Haven and Tikiranajuk, Nunavut. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(3), 542-560.
Ljubicic, G., Okpakok, S., Robertson, S., & Mearns, R. (2018). Uqsuqtuurmiut inuita tuktumi qaujimanignit (Inuit knowledge of caribou from Gjoa Haven, Nunavut): Collaborative research contributions to co-management efforts. Polar Record, 54(3), 213-233.
Ljubicic, G., Okpakok, S., Robertson, S., & Mearns, R. (2018). Inuit approaches to naming and distinguishing caribou: Considering language, place, and homeland toward improved co-management. Arctic, 71(3), 309-333.
Robertson, S. (2017). “Thinking of the land in that way”: Indigenous sovereignty and the spatial politics of attentiveness at Skwelkwek’welt. Social and Cultural Geography, 18(2), 178-200.
Robertson, S. (2015). Natives making space: The Softwood Lumber dispute and the legal geographies of Indigenous property rights. Geoforum, 61, 138-147.
Robertson, S. (2014). Extinction is the dream of modern powers: Bearing witness to the return to life of the Sinixt peoples? Antipode, 46(3), 773-794.
Robertson, S. (2013). Imageability and form in the Grande Bibliothèque du Québec: The Baroque as a more-than-representational technique toward the paradoxical particularity of experience in space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31(6), 1091-1108.
Robertson, S. (2012). Exception to excess: Tactical use of the law by outgroups in bias crime legislation. Law & Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar Association, 37(2), 456-474.
Robertson, S. (2005). Re-imagining economic alterity: A feminist critique of the juridical expansion of bio-property in the Monsanto decision at the Supreme Court of Canada. University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal, 2(2), 227-253.
Robertson, S. (2005). Spaces of exception in Canadian hate crimes legislation: Accounting for the effects of sexuality-based aggravation in R. v. Cran. Criminal Law Quarterly, 50(4), 482-507.
Robertson, S. (2004). No Lego, yes logo: Kirkbi AG and Lego Canada Inc. v. Ritvik Holdings Inc. at the Federal Court of Appeal. Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, 3(3), 141-147.